about us
Thank You!
CASA 5 was adopted by an enthusiastic group from St. Ann Catholic Church in Coppell. The ministries and parishioners worked unsparingly for the last four months to transform the house. The beauty of such a project is that it built community by allowing individuals to work together, while the visible transformation of the interior of the house confirmed the fruits of their labor.
St. Ann Catholic Parish, Coppell, TX
Msgr. Henry Petter
St, Ann’s Chapter of Catholic Daughters of America
St. Ann’s Men’s Club
St Ann’s Mission Possible Team
Lynne and Steve Ryan
Terri and Ed McGuire
John Perez
Hector Hernandez
Tena and Mike Allain
Mary and Ed Leonard
Pat, Kurt, Jessie and Meredith Evans
Trish and Randy Riley
Jack and Katie Ryan
Michael and Kristen Ryan
Danny Ryan
Trish and Skip Welsh
Larry Koath
Eric Gunzelman
Jean Roscovius
Maria and Tim Machelski
Gerry Whitney
Coleen and Dave Fink
Marianne Southwick
Mike Kolker
Linda and Jordan Shillingburg
Paul Hutyra
Taylor Kubic
Karen Wieman
Donna Kiesel
Judy and Jeff Flory
Jeff Kaiser
Carlos Barbosa
Teresa Bieda
Sandra Silva
Christine Sebastian
Cynthia Herndon